워터월드 홍콩 오션파크
오션파크로 떠나는 즐거운 여행에 필요한 모든 것

NEW PRICING STRUCTURE TO TAKE EFFECT ON 1 SEPTEMBER 2011 TO MEET INCREASING OPERATIONAL COSTS AFTER LAUNCH OF NEW ATTRACTIONS New concessions include half price for friends of birthday guests and Special Summer night admissions promotion


Ocean Park has launched a number of new attractions and shows over the years, including the launch of Aqua City in January this year and the Rainforest this month under the Master Redevelopment Project (MRP) that are very much welcomed by visitors and Hong Kong people.

Facing the increasing operational costs and the payback requirements of loans for the master redevelopment project, Ocean Park will need to adjust the admission price to ensure   sustainable development and to begin to repay the debts, which begin at the end of this year. The Park approaches the adjustment by keeping the price as low as possible, as well as striking a balance that is competitive and comparative with other facilities or attractions of similar scale and scope.

Meanwhile, the operational costs of the Park have increased at a proportional rate to these new attractions, which is the direct result of adding jobs at a rate of 200 per year, which has seen full-time headcounts grow from 600 in 2005 to 1,800 in 2011. Ocean Park also needs to begin to repay the loans for the MRP by the end of this year and hence needs to adjust the admission price for its continued and prudent development. The Park announces today (20 June 2011) a new pricing structure for daytime admission and Smartfun annual pass, which will take effect on 1 September 2011. A summary of the new admission is as follows:

Dr. Allan Zeman, Chairman of Ocean Park said, “We understand our pricing adjustment can be a burden to the community in high inflation and do not wish to see it happen. However, as a prudent and properly managed business we need to find ways to meet the increasing operational costs & repay the loans, while considering the market conditions and public sentiment as well as the financial viability of the company. Even after the adjustment, our admission is still the lowest among various tourist destination theme parks in the region offering similar price value propositions in entertainment, education and conservation, as well as world class attractions for the entire family.”

Ocean Park Day Admission   
Ticket Type General Admission   
Adult HK$ 280  
Child (aged 3 - 11)  HK$ 140   
Child (aged below 3)  Free 
Senior citizens (holders of Hong Kong Identity Card or Senior Citizen Card aged 65 or above) Free  
Ocean Park SmartFun Annual Pass   

Ocean Park continues providing a number of discount packages to our guests. Dr. Zeman added, “Connecting people to nature and bringing happiness to our guests are part of our core vision and now it expands. In 2006, we announced all 7,000,000 Hong Kong residents can visit Ocean Park for free on their birthdays. And now, one of their friends will also enjoy a half price from 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2012.”

Ocean Park also launches a new summer night promotion for Hong Kong residents visiting the Park from 6pm to 10 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout July, August and the first two weekends of September. The night admission prices of $150 for adults and $75 for children will take effect on 1 July 2011.

As Hong Kong people’s Park, Ocean Park has launched different community initiatives to enable Hong Kong people from all walks of life to enjoy the Park’s offerings. These initiatives include concessionary admission for Hong Kong residents on their birthdays, Hong Kong residents aged 65 years and above, and holders of Registration Card for People with Disabilities; and sponsored admission to individuals and members of families receiving assistance from the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme (CSSA), and Social Welfare Department member organisations. The Park also gives donation-in-kind to charitable organizations, offers special rates for school tours, and spearheads many other community caring projects. During the fiscal year of 2009-2010, Ocean Park maintained a total of 13 social care programmes, with over 350,000 beneficiaries and an aggregate value to the community equivalent to HK$85,000,000.

As the theme park of Hong Kong people, Ocean Park commits to provide the fun and enjoyable experiences by offering a multitude of attractions and activities combining animal presentations, thrill rides, and entertainment to all of our guests. The new attractions such as Aqua City and the Rainforest have been opened in the past few months and bring the visitors a new perspective integrating with conservation, education and entertainment.

Dr Zeman said, “There have been a number of press enquiries on our pricing after a report in the media today. We therefore decided to make an early announcement to put any speculation aside and to address the needs of the Company, as well as the various pricing alternatives that will be provided by the Park to our visiting guests.”