워터월드 홍콩 오션파크
환상적인 모험의 나라로 여행을 떠나요!

Exploring the Brand-New Dolphin Explorations


As the biggest and best nature playground in Hong Kong, Ocean Park is launching a whole new experience, Dolphin Explorations, to provide our visitors with more opportunities to close encounter dolphins and sea lions, get to know their daily lives and conservation tips, become an Ocean Guardians, not only our animal caretakers will share anecdotes from their daily husbandry and care, we will invite you to show your determination to protect the seas and your new animal friends.

Dolphin Explorations provides a layered experience, which includes:

Whiskers Village Ocean Guardians

Let's protect the ocean! It's something everyone can do! The brand new interactive programme "Whiskers Village Ocean Guardians" takes you on a fascinating adventure to explore ocean conservation while meeting some lovable animals. To begin your journey, join the Whiskers Villagers in meeting their new friend, the Polar Bear Villager, who will share tips for adopting a low carbon diet and provide simple steps changing our eating habits to help save the polar region. As the exploration continues, the villagers and you will visit some adorable marine residents. Together you can admire the dolphins leaping out of the water and greet the sea lions, and even have a chance to interact with them! Not only can you learn about the features and habits of these animals, our animal caretakers will also share anecdotes from their daily husbandry and care.

Afterwards, don't forget to show your determination to adopt a low carbon diet by pledging "Eat Local" with Whiskers Villagers! Before you go, it's time to celebrate becoming a real Ocean Guardian by doing the We Wa Dance! Move your body with joy to show your motivation!


Participant age

All ages welcome (Participants under the age of 11 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.) 


Dolphin Explorations

Time Weekday: 12:00pm, 3:30pm and 5:00pm
Weekend and public holiday: 11:30am, 2:00pm, 3:30pm and 5:00pm

*Weather Permitting
Resting Area

Resting Area

Visitors can enjoy tasty snacks and drinks while watching conservation videos at the semi-covered resting area, facing the picturesque South China Sea - a delightful energy boost for both body and soul!