ウォーターワールド 香港オーシャンパーク
Enjoy Learning in Nature!


Ocean Park Conservation Alliance

Ocean Park has always been committed to conservation and education as the cornerstone of its development, and has been dedicated to connecting people with nature. To promote community collaboration and public participation, Ocean Park launched a new conservation advocacy campaign named "Mission R" in 2023.

"Mission R" is inspired by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) global initiative to ensure biodiversity. From 2023, over 200 schools have become members of "Ocean Park Conservation Alliance" under "Mission R", advocating conservation actions on campus based on the three visions.

Seahorse Rangers

"Ocean Park Conservation Alliance" established "Seahorse Rangers". Each "Ocean Park Conservation Alliance" member school can have up to 30 students and 3 responsible teachers as Seahorse Rangers, to lead all students to conduct conservation activities in school.

Collection Booklet
Ocean Park Learning Pass
Conservation Uniform (Hat & T-shirt)
Toolkit - Conservation activities suggestions

"Ocean Park Conservation Alliance" will organize Inauguration Ceremony in early January 2025. Students will pledge to become Seahorse Rangers, committing to promote conservation messages to classmates, families and the public with their own effort, and embark on the journey of conservation.

Flagship Activities

Three flagship activities based on three visions of Mission R:
Flagship Activity:
Develop recycling habits in students and teachers
"Low Carbon PLS" Day
Adopt a low carbon diet by consuming package free, local or seasonal food
City Nature Challenge
Know more about flora, fauna species and local biodiversity
Three vision of "Mission R":
Member schools will be awarded "Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Outstanding School" certificate and trophy after completing all required missions of the 3 flagship activities.

Ocean Park Conservation Carnival

"Ocean Park Conservation Alliance" will host the "Ocean Park Conservation Carnival" in early July 2025 to showcase and share the ideas and experiences on conservation activities gained by "Member School" throughout the academic year.

Student Summit
Conservation Game Booth

**Only applicable to secondary schools – "Ocean Park and Water World Career Discovery Tour"

Ocean Park Hong Kong will organise "Ocean Park and Water World Career Discovery Tour", including exclusive career talks, workplace demonstrations and interviews for Seahorse Rangers in 2025 Q2. It aims to inspire Seahorse Rangers' career planning through gaining first-hand job experiences while learning more about the Park's education and conservation efforts.

Ways to register as “Member School”

The Membership of existing "Member School" (2023-24) will be renewed automatically.

Join and become a member of "Ocean Park Conservation Alliance" through the following link.
Frequently Asked Questions