Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong
Enjoy Learning in Nature!

Online Activity - Primary School

Primary School
Secondary School

    Dolphin Tracking Trilogy

    • Discover the features of marine animals from a scientific perspective and understand how to classify animals
    • Watch videos on animal demonstrations to further understand the five characteristics of mammals
    • Programme Format: Mammal characteristics investigation; Case-based learning; Educational dolphin demonstration video

    Local Biodiversity Exploration

    • Acquire the scientific skills to conduct an ecological survey of wildlife species
    • Learn about Hong Kong wildlife and their habitats to explore a sustainable lifestyle
    • Programme Format: Ecological survey simulation; Case-based learning; Biodiversity exploration video

    Arcade Games Designers

    • Recall the simple machines used in daily life
    • Explore the machines used in rides and attractions at Ocean Park through video watching
    • Programme Format: Interactive experiment and games; Educational video on rides and attractions

    Workplace Observations in Ocean Park - Animal Husbandry

    • Understand the required soft skills and knowledge of animal caretakers through watching videos on husbandry practices
    • Discover different workplaces by observing professional teams working throughout the Park
    • Programme Format: Animal husbandry demonstration video; Case-based learning

    Overseas Programme: Singapore Zoo Overseas Exchange - Rainforest Guardian

    • Collaborate with Singapore Zoo to uncover the relationships between humans and rainforest, reflect on how natural resources can be shared
    • Introduce rainforest animals and conservation work in Singapore by the educator from Singapore Zoo
    • Programme Format: Overseas exchange; Case-based learning; Animal demonstration video
    Programme Fee Capacity (Students) Time
    Dolphin Tracking Trilogy Each session HK$3,000 20 - 150 Each session lasts for 45 minutes
    Arcade Games Designers Each session HK$3,000 20 - 150 Each session lasts for 45 minutes
    Workplace Observations in Ocean Park - Animal Husbandry Each session HK$3,000 20 - 150 Each session lasts for 45 minutes
    Local Biodiversity Exploration Each session HK$3,000 20 - 150 Each session lasts for 45 minutes
    Singapore Zoo Overseas Exchange - Rainforest Guardian Each session HK$6,000 20 - 150 Each session lasts for 45 minutes

     The programme fees are valid until 31 August 2025.

    Frequently Asked Questions